Can you believe it?  Christmas is just a few short weeks away. I’ve been going a 1,000 miles a minute and I’m sure you’re feeling the same way. I’ve been thinking about you and those around me and all of the things we are engaged in during this time. There are parties to attend, gifts to buy, school plays to go to and so many other things. The Christmas season can be so hectic and frenzied.

Hope you had a chance to download my eBook, 3R’s to Keeping Your Sanity During the Hectic Holiday Season. I mention three ways that you and I can keep “the main thing the main thing” during this time; to keep our heart, attention and affection focused on what matters most and that is —Jesus!

It’s a time for us to slow down and not get so busy, to reflect on the beauty, majesty and glory of that story — the Christmas story. It’s the greatest story ever! God came as man, in the flesh, as a little baby to live out this life that we could not live perfectly. He did that to enact His rescue plan of salvation for you and for me. We need to reflect, remember and recreate that during this Christmas time.

There’s a story in the gospel of Matthew that takes place some time after Jesus’ birth when the Magi come to visit baby Jesus. They travel to Bethlehem. You may not know this, but it had been centuries of them waiting on the promise of the Messiah. And one day, a star appears in the heavens above and they knew that it was the appointed time. They travel over 1,000 miles to get to Jesus.

When they arrive at the house where Mary and Jesus were, they entered it. When they see Jesus, they fall down before him and the WORSHIP HIM. You and I may be going a 1,000 miles a minutes but we need to take this moment to reflect on what this is all about. Our response needs to be like that of the Magi — that we would see Jesus for who He is: the Rescuer, King, Messiah, the Glorious One and that we fall down before him and WORSHIP HIM.

Make sure you take time to reflect during the season on the beauty and wonder of Jesus and be captivated once again by the story of Christmas.


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